Friday, May 26, 2006

Beach Bag Security

Would you steal this bag?

I'd love to set something up like this and leave a heap of money just under the dirty underpants to see if anyone would try and take it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Human testing - Panadol

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Cave

Bp held responsible for last night’s loss against the blues

Tonight while watching a footy match on TV, I couldn't help but notice the players were slipping over when they ran across the advertising painted on the field. I'm sure it's not deliberate but it does keep the camera focussed in that area when they go down.

I just thought it would be funny if I saw this the next day in the paper.


I've decided I'm going to put as many of my random thoughts down on this site. There's nothing worse than having an idea and then weeks later seeing someone else putting it down on paper only to claim it as theirs.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Some ideas I had for possible online flash games