ACCEPTED ME!!I'm so happy! I'm going to give this absolutely everything I've got.
My boss found out and sent an email around the whole office today telling everyone of my success.
"Hi All,
If you weren’t aware, our very own Tom has gained a heavily contended spot in AWARD School. This is no mean feat, as you have to present a portfolio of work, to meet a brief, just to get a coveted position. We congratulate you, and are very proud of your achievement Tom. We also wish you all the best with this and your new position in the studio.
Well done,
(Australasion Writers and Art Directors Association)AWARD releases the application questions for the next School intake in mid January (date to be confirmed). The application consists of a set of four or so questions that will require you to write some ads to a particular brief.
Below is what I have submitted.
1. Inspire us to accept you into News Limited AWARD School. You have one blank page and a maximum of 25 words.
2. Bombs and drug smuggling have devasted the tourism industry in Bali. Do two full page prind ads; one encouraging travel to Bali, and one advising against it.Encouraging travel to Bali.
Advising against traveling to Bali.
3. Steadtler EraserTarget audience : Anyone who uses pencils and paperSingle minded proposition : Undo your mistakes Proof of proposition: Premium-quality, residue-free, easy to remove eraser waste thanks to minimal crumbling.
I only used the image of Steve above.